God is Good!

Seek the Lord while He may be found!

Fatherhood – One Of The Greatest Of All Gifts

McKenna Patrick Mary WeddingEach time I stop to visit my parents’ graves I thank them for giving me the gift of life.  Years and years after fathers have died; they continue to live on in the lives of their children.  On this present Father’s day, we say our gratitude to our fathers, living or dead, for giving us a chance to live in this world and for their support in our growing-up days.

I keep my parents’ wedding day photo on the top of my dresser and look at it every day.  In this photo, taken in 1910, my father sits in a chair, in the custom of the day, while my mother in her white wedding dress stands beside him.  Although my father is dead now almost 78 years, his memory carries on in my everyday life.  Many times I have found inspiration by looking at this wedding photo with these two young, hopeful people destined to be my mother and father.

 To every father I say, “Get into every family photo you can so that your children will have your image before themselves for years to come.”  It’s amazing how much we can remember about our fathers.  50 years from now your children will be talking about you to their offspring and grandchildren.  They may be basing their lives on some words you said in an offhand way, or on some example you unconsciously gave them.

Hopefully, fathers will show mercy, love and kindness to their children because then, their sons and daughters will associate these qualities with God.  We take our ideas of God from our fathers.  A few words from a cherished father will have more effect on the lives of his children than a score of sermons from a preacher.  Fathers, to your family you are the key person in the world.

Of the 500,000 words in the English language, the word “father”, like “mother”, holds the highest place in terms of reverence, trust and love.  Persevere in the mighty work God has given you.  His help will always be with you.  A Happy Father’s Day to all of our fathers!

Fr. George Mc Kenna

Uncle George posted this Father’s Day message on this blog for the first time back in 2014.  At the time, I didn’t dwell too much on one of the lines – “Get into every family photo you can . . . “.  Father McKenna’s dad died suddenly in 1936, when George was 18 years old, just at the beginning of his journey to becoming a Catholic Priest.  I never talked to him about how that event may or may not have affected his decision, but I can only imagine that it weighed heavily on his mind.  The wedding photo of Patrick and Mary McKenna is the only photo I have of his dad.  Today, each of us has a camera more powerful than anything available back in 1936.  On this Father’s Day – take the time to gather with your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, parents, grandparents great-grandparents.  Enjoy the blessings of these links to the past and to the future – and follow Fr. McKenna’s advice – take that phone out, and take pictures – lots of them, so that the memories and the stories will live on as never before.   HAPPY FATHER”S DAY

God Bless, Joe.

June 16, 2024 - Posted by | Bulletins | , , , , , , ,


  1. this is beautifully written!

    Comment by bdoyle43 | June 16, 2024 | Reply

  2. Thank you for continuing to bring Fr. Georges blog back! It is always a special and happy surprise when I see your email in my inbox! Thank you for taking the time to do this. Please give my love to your family.
    Happy Fathers day to you!
    xoxo Patty

    Comment by Anonymous | June 16, 2024 | Reply

  3. Beautiful commentary.

    Comment by Anonymous | June 17, 2024 | Reply

  4. Thanks for posting. Love all of Father McKenna‘s blogs . They are like a piece of chocolate for my soul .

    Comment by Doris | June 20, 2024 | Reply

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