God is Good!

Seek the Lord while He may be found!

Bring Hope to the World

Fr. George McKenna

In the USA, the richest country in the world, many are falling into the sickness of hopelessness. Among young people, suicides – the last stage of despair – continue to increase. Many do not see any reason for living. In buying into the drugs-alcohol-promiscuity culture, they despair of their own self-worth.

Hope is a trust in God for good things to come, such as sufficient health to live in joy and peace, enough money to provide for one’s family, enough mental stability to live in harmony with family and other people.

As followers of Christ, we want to bring hope into the world by being people of encouragement. Encouragement means to put a new heart into people for living. Jesus came into the world at a dark point in history and brought His Good News of Hope to all creatures, Jesus would say.

We can give encouragement in a hundred different ways, such as the following true story: On the last day of school at a University, a student was carrying many heavy textbooks across the campus. Suddenly the books slipped out of his arms and scattered across the sidewalk. At that moment, another collegian, walking by, stopped and picked up the books. With a smile of sympathy, this Good Samaritan carefully put the books back into the arms of the frustrated student. No words passed between them.

Now for the rest of the story! A few years later, these same two men met. The book carrier said to the other man, “Do you remember the day when you helped me with my books? I was on my way to commit suicide, but your kindness and consideration for me convinced me to keep on living.”

Have we not all had that same experience? We might not have been on our way to commit suicide, but we felt like throwing in the white towel. Our marriage was sailing on rough seas. Our longtime, well-paying job was coming to an end. Possibly sickness had weakened our wish to live. Then someone came along to give us a new determination to live by pointing out the possibilities for future good. Maybe then gave us a book or showed us the many hidden talents we had. Possibly they were just kind and listed to our tale of woe.

We all have powers without limit to help others to want to live! Sincere compliments, a show of kindness and respect, helping the new person at work, telling the children and other family members every day, “I love you.” Who knows what is going on in the minds of people we meet? Who knows what cross they are carrying? Give out many words of praise, only a few words of criticism. Even rude people are crying out for love!

I read these words this past week. They refer to our Good of Hope! “Closer is He than breathing, nearer than hands and feet.”

Fr. George P McKenna


I came across this entry from Uncle George while spending some time in the “Classroom of Silence”, as the author Matthew Kelly refers to it – quiet time alone with Our Lord.  Fr. McKenna has always been able to take the issues of the day and turn them into opportunities to live the life that Jesus taught us to live:  One of Love, Kindness, Generosity, Service and Joy.  For those of you not familiar with Matthew’s work, he had a calling at a young age and has written many books and provided many parish missions to spread the Word of God around the world.  I find there are similarities in his mission and the life Fr. McKenna lived and preached.  One of his books, written in 2022, “Holy Moments” relates directly to Uncle George’s message above.  As Fr. McKenna said, “we all have powers without limit to help others”.  Matthew’s concept of Holy Moments is to do something good, and similarly to Uncle George’s examples, it doesn’t have to be big, just ordinary kindness, help, support, generosity.  And if you let 3 people know of these “Holy Moments” and they each let three more people know – and we all start doing kind and helpful things, something good and something big is bound to happen.  It’s a great concept.

It seems as if there is always some type of turmoil in the world.  Generation, after generation has dealt with its own problems, but in all of it there has to be Hope – a trust in God for good things to come.  We can all be that person of Hope.  Matthew Kelly was once asked to describe Christianity in 10 words.  I think he came up with a great answer.   “You were made in the image of God; Act accordingly.

God’s Peace, Joe.


June 1, 2024 - Posted by | Bulletins | , , , , ,


  1. thank you! Just the message I needed. I sure miss Father McKenna and his simple spot-on wisdom!
    many blessings!

    Comment by Anonymous | June 1, 2024 | Reply

  2. I do miss our dear friend and seeing this brought back our days at the Airport.
    Matt Marich

    Comment by Anonymous | June 1, 2024 | Reply

  3. Thank you. A great reminder of how simple acts of kindness can change people’s lives. 🙏🕊✝️

    Comment by Anonymous | June 1, 2024 | Reply

  4. Love this entry!  I’ve always loved Fr. McKenna’s writings. And I see you also have his gift. Please don’t stop!  It was so good to read!
    blockquote type=”cite”>

    Comment by Donna Kurcz | June 5, 2024 | Reply

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