God is Good!

Seek the Lord while He may be found!

Begin A New Way Of Living

Reviewing Uncle George’s writings – journal notes, homilies and correspondence – he always seemed to have an upbeat perspective about the New Year, and the use of this time of year to review and assess his life, and then set resolutions to become a better person the following year – and in his mind, that meant getting closer to Jesus Christ, his Savior.  The entry below is from his journal on January 1, 1994. The picture is from 1939 when Uncle George was a mere 20 year old seminarian. Where ever you are on this journey we call life, Fr. McKenna always seems to find the right words at the right time.  Happy New Year, may 2021 bring you peace, joy and health!  Peace, Joe

July 1939 – St. Mary of the Lake
P. Franzen, S. Przylybowicz, George McKenna, W. Kriegsman

We have a custom of assessing our lives on New Year’s Day.  The gift of life takes on a new splendor and glory.  We know the possibilities of letting life, with its few years, slip away from us, never to come back again.  We desire to make good use of the year ahead.

We stand on a hill and look down at the 12 months that face us.  How did the last 12 go?  To plan ahead, to recognize moments in our life where changes should take place is a sign of great wisdom!  With confidence and courage, we take stock of our weaknesses and strengths.

Life about us abounds in violence.  Violence always violates the rights of others through angry words, and hateful actions.  Fear and anguish seem to follow in the face of violence.  What can we do to harness this violence and bring peace to the troubled world around us?

We can plan to take this resolution:  I wish to be a loving person!  YES!  One person’s efforts to be a more loving person in the year ahead can push back the darkness of violence.  When we love, we walk in the Light of Christ!  “I love you!”  How seldom we say these powerful words!

When I have taken this resolution in the past, much good entered my life.  I had a clear-cut picture of what I wanted to accomplish.  My thoughts, words and actions came under the scrutiny of my resolution.  Are these loving thoughts, words, actions?

Last week we celebrated True Love coming down from heaven, when the Infant Jesus was born in Bethlehem.  If Jesus lives in our hearts, we have an unlimited supply of love available to us.  There are many chances each day to live out this resolution. 

  • Start by saying “I love you” more often to your family and friends
  • Be considerate of others – Please, thank you, say hello when passing strangers
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line at the store
  • Be generous, with your time, your talents, your resources
  • Share what you have with others – drop off a dinner to someone stuck at home
  • Smile more

No matter what your age, this resolution can turn your life around!  I want to be a loving person: Kind, Gentle, Forgiving, Encouraging.  All you need to do is look for the opportunity to spread a little love, then go ahead and do it.  Your love, then will spread to another, and then another, and then another . . .

                                                                                                   Fr. George McKenna

December 31, 2020 Posted by | Bulletins | , , , | 7 Comments